Chapter 11: The Life that Testifies of His Grace

And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” (Revelation 12:7-12)

It is important to cast out demons, but it is more important to keep them out. After the demon leaves, you should feel upset that the demon unnecessarily tormented you until now and be resolved never to let it come in again. Is it not repulsive that the spirit of a dead person was actually living in you?

Some people come for demon expulsion just to check and see if they really have a demon. Rather than having the determination to condemn the demons, they just want to verify if there is a demon in them. This is no different to the Devil tempting Jesus to stand on top of the temple saying, “Jump, throw yourself down. Jump to see if you will not be harmed. The Bible says that God will send His angels so that your foot will not strike the ground.” We need to know how to fear the Lord. We have to remember that the Bible said those who blaspheme the name of God would not be held guiltless.

After casting out the demon, you must arm yourself thoroughly and be vigilant. Some people ask me right after demon expulsion, “Pastor, when can I get demon expulsion again?” People who constantly come for demon expulsion are already enslaved to demons in their mind. With such a mindset, the demon would possess them again the next day even if it had left completely today. This type of person will be invaded by the same demon few hours after the demon expulsion.

Do you not find demons repulsive? When we ask the demons about their death, do they not say, “I am so-and-so who died ten years ago”? Is it not detestable to have this spirit of the dead inside your body? If demons were repulsive to you, you would be resolved to prevent them from coming back in.

Demons are unclean, cursed spirits. Jesus made this known to us even at the face of being accused as demon-possessed.

“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.’” (Matt. 25:41)

People who do not believe in the Son of God are already condemned. Curses manifest through those who are condemned. Demons are cursed spirits. That is why Jesus said, “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels.”

When a cursed spirit goes into a body, that person’s mind and body will also be under a curse. The word curse in the Old Testament and demons in the New Testament are actually the same. When a condemned spirit enters a man’s heart, his heart is cursed indeed. When a condemned spirit enters a man’s body, that body is indeed cursed. So we need to make sure that the demon does not return once it is expelled.

Demons’ attributes are their physical conditions at the time of death. For example, a demon that died with a broken leg will cause the host to break his leg in the same manner. A blind demon will cause blindness, a poverty demon will cause poverty, a lame demon will cause lameness, and a mute demon will cause muteness in the host. Once these detestable demons leave the body, one must stay alert to prevent any more invasions.

The reason people repeatedly cast out demons but still get attacked again is they cling to negative thoughts such as, the demon left, but I don’t feel refreshed. I’m still a sick patient. So in order to keep the demon out, the cursed thoughts must first be driven out.

Just as they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations, so will I choose their delusions, and bring their fears on them. (Isaiah 66:3-4)

When a person’s thoughts deviate, the ministering angels also change. And demons enter his body once the transmuted angels (deceiving spirits) successfully deceive him. These deceiving spirits provide the right conditions for the demons to invade the body. When the demons are asked about the point of entry, some of them say that the person was scared, in grief, or angry. All of these emotions are caused by deceiving spirits to provide a way for the demons to enter a body.

When people are asked to give a testimony after demon expulsion, some say, “I’m a lot better now,” or “I think it’s getting better,” and leave a little room of doubt. When a plant is uprooted, it still stays fresh for a few hours, but it definitely withers after some time. The demon’s departure is like an uprooted plant. Once the demon is expelled, it is important to stand by faith, rather than focusing on the conditions of the sickness. However, some people do not continue in faith because the symptoms are still present after demon expulsion. But this is just like uprooting a plant and replanting it, thinking that it is still alive because of its green colors. An uprooted plant that is replanted can be revived after rain.

When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation. (Matt. 12:43-45)

Demons are always trying to return to the body after being expelled. Thus, we need to be on guard thoroughly against the demons after we expel them.

Doubt is a cursed mentality. A mental patient can be healed after restoring his own will that he had abandoned. However, there is no way to help a person who doubts. Is there a verse in the Bible that says a person who doubts can receive salvation? Is there a verse that says a person who doubts can be redeemed? Doubt prevents the soul from God’s salvation, His comfort, and the mercy of Jesus Christ. Some people tell me, “Pastor, I keep having doubts.” This is the result of being cursed, namely having a demon. When other personalities enter and dominate a person, doubts begin to cloud his mind and his thoughts become confused.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. (Hos. 4:6)

Only destruction awaits the people who do not understand what God has revealed to them. People even follow directions given by children on an unfamiliar street. How much more should we listen and heed the warnings given by God’s servants? However, people just do not seem to abandon their unbelief before God. “If I am sick, I should still go to the hospital.” It is a person’s freedom to go to the hospital, but he should know that demons do not fear doctors. Demons are impossible to be subdued except by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.

People really do not recognize the authority of the name of Jesus. Even after prayer they say, “I feel better” instead of “I am completely healed.” And thus, they return the next day to get prayer for the same problem again. They think that laying on of hands is like a medicine that has to be taken continually for a few days for any effect to occur. Thus, they receive laying on of hands one night and come back again for the same prayer. We should never have doubts when it comes to faith.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. (Rev. 12:11)

Salvation lies in our reliance on the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. So testimonies such as, “I have been saved by the blood of Jesus. I cast out demons in the name of Jesus, and I give all the glory to God,” should never cease from our lips day after day. Even if our condition gets worse after demon expulsion, we will eventually be victorious against the Devil the more we testify of the works of Jesus Christ.

Some people depend on their feelings to determine if they are healed. They are delighted when they get prayer, but when they still feel some pain, they say, “Am I fully healed?” However, our physical senses cannot be the basis for our faith. Jesus said that whatever we pray for, we must trust that we have already received it. He did not say to believe so that we would receive, but that we have already received it. Jesus promised that when we possess this type of faith, all would be accomplished accordingly (Mark 11:24).

From the people who desired to be healed, Jesus wanted them to move in faith, believing that they are healed. When the man with the withered hand reached out relying on the command of Jesus, his hand was fully restored (Matt. 12:13). A blind man washed his eyes at the pool of Siloam following the command of Jesus and was healed (John 9:7). A paralytic picked up his own bed and walked home completely healed after obeying the words of Jesus (Matt. 9:6-7). Jesus required action from these people while they were still in their sicknesses. He instructed the man with the withered hand to reach out, told the blind man to go to the pool of Siloam, and commanded the paralytic to get up and walk home. Jesus did not treat them as patients but required positive actions from them. He taught them to cruelly reject and completely ignore the sickness.

I emphasize Christ’s healing power because it testifies God still works even today. Diseases are concurrent problems that people face every day. Christ’s healing power clearly shows that His authority still works among the lives of people today as it has before. If it were not for the healing power of Christ, then the forgiveness of sins would be considered as a folktale. However, the reality is that the healing power of Jesus allows people to definitely experience the authority of atonement right here and right now.

The Bible says that they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. This is one of the reasons we give testimonies. When we rely on the blood of Christ and give testimonies about the grace we have received, we can overcome the enemy.

Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you. (Mark 5:19)

Jesus spoke these words to the person who was made well through demon expulsion. Also when a leper came to Him, Jesus healed him and said, “See that you tell no one; but go your way, show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift that Moses commanded, as a testimony to them” (Matt. 8:4).

Why did He instruct them to testify through gifts? Without an offering, the testimony could be false. It does not cost anything to lie, but the testimony accompanied by an offering shows sincerity and trustworthiness.

I once had a chance to hear a testimony from a British Testimonial Mission Team. This mission team already had a long history by the time they came to Korea and many of its members had testimonies to share. The year that I met them, they had traveled from England to Southeast Asia and Australia before coming to Korea. I was expecting some great testimonies from them and the first person stepped up to the podium and spoke, “Ladies and gentlemen, twenty years ago I had a stomach ache. However, when Pastor Jones prayed for me, I was completely healed. Hallelujah!” That was the whole testimony. He came all the way from England to say these few words.

When I was in a mission department of a church, I realized something while interacting with foreigners. A small pain was a big deal to them. To many Korean people, they actually consider constant state of health to be abnormal! Diseases are caused by demons; thus, we should not tolerate even the smallest sickness. Just imagine that a demon of an old widow is living inside of a young woman’s body. How repulsive?

A person came to get prayer from me and I saw a vision of a big python wrapped around his neck, so I asked him if he had thoughts about hanging himself and he said, “Yes!” While I was casting out the demon, I demanded for the identity and the demon claimed to be the sister-in-law who had hung herself. Is it not so filthy and disgusting? But people have become accustomed to living with demons in them.

The second person came up to give his testimony. “Ladies and gentlemen, ten years ago I was bitten by a stray dog. The wound became infected and swollen up, but by God’s grace, I was fully healed.”

The Korean audience was receptive in the beginning, but as the testimonies by the British Mission Team were given, they started laughing and chuckling. The testimonies were very common and insignificant to them, but these foreigners were speaking as if mountains were moved. Clearly, the audience was not impressed. They were expecting stories such as a new eyeball appearing in an empty eye-socket or intestines pouring out that were restored. Most of the testimonies were, “I had a stomach ache but I was healed through prayer. Hallelujah!” For people who have heartburn every morning, this testimony was not that impressive. Eventually, it did not take more than seven minutes for eleven people to give their testimonies. These people had come all the way from England, spending much money to give seven minutes of testimonies. I later learned that they saved up for five years to travel around the world giving testimonies.

Initially, I also chuckled, but as I listened to all of their testimonies, I was moved to tears. These eleven people had something in common. They all never stopped testifying about being saved by the grace of Jesus. They testified about their healing, no matter how trivial they seemed, because they wanted to share that the works of Jesus had healed them. The sickness may be insignificant to others, but they wanted to bear witness for many years that the Son of God came to suffer and bleed so that they can be healed and delivered.

Even after being healed, many people are not thankful and they rather say, “Oh that was not a big deal.” When they are told to testify of their healing, many say, “I feel better, but I have to see when it rains.” (Many Koreans claim that they experience joint problems before it starts to rain.) “I feel fine now but I have to see after a nap.” “Its fine now but we’ll see after I’ve eaten something.” “I have to wait until winter to see if I’m healed.”

I once told someone, “Give offering to show your thankfulness to God.” “Of course I am thankful to God” he replied. I contested, “Since Jesus has healed you, why don’t you give an offering. Rather than just saying that you’re thankful, show that you are truly thankful.” Then he said, “I am not sure if I am completely healed, so I want to wait and see if I’m fully healed.” Such people think that being healthy is abnormal. They cannot believe that the sickness can be healed with just one prayer. “Hey, that’s strange. Why am I not sick? I should be sick.” They get into the positions that gave them pain and act it out until they feel a little pain. They look for the pain and remain as patients. This is not real faith.

Jesus did not die on the cross several times. He saved us by dying only once on the cross. Saints continue in salvation by remembering the works of Jesus Christ and confessing everyday, “Jesus has saved me. He has saved me through the cross. He has saved me.” We can sometimes see people who go back to the world, living a life that is completely unrelated to Jesus. One reason could be that the demon inside of them is waiting for the right time to lead them away from God.

Sometimes we hear such things from demons, “I came in to kill you…. Why did she believe in Jesus? I came in to stop her from believing in Jesus! I failed!” With this kind of demon, it would be so tormenting to maintain a spiritual life. We must follow the examples of the British Testimonial Mission Team. No matter how insignificant it may seem to others, they still testified endlessly that their sicknesses had been healed because Jesus had paid the price. The reason people cannot comprehend the great salvific work of Jesus is that they do not emphasize the significance of His works. They say, “It really wasn’t a big problem. It’s not like I had cancer or something. I wasn’t bothered by it that much….” We all can overcome with the blood of Jesus Christ and the words of our testimonies. “I have been saved by the blood of Christ! I have received freedom through His blood!”

And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Rev. 12:17)

The Devil will not cease tormenting people until the end times. Many times, demons still hover around the person, from whom they were cast out, looking for opportunities to enter that body again. There were actual instances where I encountered the same demons that I cast out before. Though the demon was expelled, once the situation presented itself, it tried to enter the same body again. One demon even said, “I will come back to kill you as soon as you leave Sungrak Church!” The demons do not just disappear after they are cast out; they struggle to re-enter the same person. So in order for us to prevent the demons from re-entering, we must keep testifying of the grace we have received. “The Lord has saved me! I am saved!”

The way we live our lives as saints does not affect our salvation. Our salvation is only by the grace of Jesus Christ not our works. Then, why does God still keep us in this dark world after we have become His children? After our conversion, we must allow God to use our lives like remnants of cloth. The Lord can use us in various ways. He can use us as evangelists, volunteers, or financial supporters of missions. Just as Jesus rode on the colt when He went into Jerusalem or used a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee, financial support is needed for foreign missions. We must allow our Lord to utilize our lips, knowledge and wisdom. We have to dedicate the remainder of our lives to Jesus so that He can effectively use it for His purpose. We have to tell our children on our deathbed, “Listen, if you love me, maintain your spiritual lives and reach out to your neighbors with the Gospel. This is how you can love me even when I am gone.” Even to our last breath, the Lord should use our lips for His glory.

When one does not testify of Jesus Christ, he has not really submitted his life to the Lord. When one does not give true thanksgiving, he has not really submitted his life to the Lord. The same applies for not evangelizing to others. From now on, instead of being so attached to sicknesses, our lives must be offered to the Lord. Since He has saved us, we must offer our lives to Him so that He can use us.

“I will offer my life to be used by the Lord.” “I will offer my life to be used by the Lord.” “I will offer my life to be used by the Lord.”

Everybody wants to be blessed. However, they are unaware of the true meaning of blessing. People usually think of money and possessions as blessings, but blessings mean spiritual riches. However, many people try to change their worldly situations through Jesus instead of receiving true, spiritual riches. Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Why would people who have already received salvation put themselves in such a dangerous state? You are not cursed just because you are poor. You are not cursed though you lose your money and business. On many occasions, both preachers and members think about money when messages about blessings are preached and received.

We must abandon the thoughts about changing our fortunes through Jesus. Instead, we must allow God to use us even if we were to die like Stephen so that He can use the remainder of our lives. When a rich man came to Jesus and asked Him what he needed to do in order to receive eternal life, Jesus did not say, “Go and make more money.”

Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” (Matt. 19:21)

And when Zacchaeus pledged half of his possessions to the poor, Jesus did not stop him but rather considered it normal. For people who have met Jesus, the possessions of this world do not have any meaning. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus shows that wealth and honor of this world do not benefit the spirit.

We have to testify of the grace that God has given us whenever and wherever possible. We must be available so that the Lord does not feel uncomfortable to use us. As invited guests, we can experience uncomfortable situations. Daily activities that were comfortable in our own homes become uncomfortable when we are guests in another’s home. We have to welcome Jesus not as a guest but as Lord, so that He can comfortably live in us as His home. In 1 Corinthians 3:9, it says that we are God’s building and His field. Whether peas or beans, what will be planted is up to the farmer. Whether the master plants a pastor Kim or a deacon Park, the most important thing is for the master to be comfortable using the field. We are Christ’s fields and buildings. The Lord has to completely fill our lives and be comfortable using us.

From the moment we receive salvation, we must stop trying to change our fortunes and allow God to use us. That is the life that testifies of His work. I pray in the name of Jesus that you will allow Him to use you throughout your remaining time on earth.

“I will let Christ use me!” “I will let Christ use me!” “I will let Christ use me!”

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