Chapter 3: The Freedom of Those Who Know the Truth

Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. (John 12:31)

Jesus taught that the Devil is the ruler of this world. The Devil has the legal authority to do anything in this world. So anyone born in this world must take appropriate legal procedures in order to be liberated from the Devil’s reign.

Nowadays, people try to receive healing with the power of Christ but fail because they do not know the legal procedures to be free from the Devil’s influence. Of course, being liberated from the Devil does not only involve healing. The most important is to partake in the resurrection and eternal life. However, physical healing is significant because it is an immediate indicator that God is working in our lives. Healing can become a testimony of the resurrection and eternal life that a saint will experience in the future. In other words, to receive healing is to taste the power of the age to come (Heb. 6:5).

Whether healing or resurrection to eternal life, the important thing is to know the legal procedures to receive them. Many believers try diligently to receive God's power and healing. Yet, their efforts produce no result but just an empty passion. This is because they did not know exactly what faith had required. They were just scratching the surface when it came to faith.

God does not just give us power because we fast or cry out all night. Some people especially think that as long as they fast, they would be healed. But a fast could cause detrimental effects to a patient because his body is already weak, and it could trigger a mental crisis in a patient. Even a healthy person can experience mental dissociation and speak incoherently if he fasts and prays throughout the night for three days. How much worse for a weak patient?

We are in charge of carrying out the duties of the almighty God. Thus, we must raise our standards to be in the likeness of God. God’s work is never in disorder. Even His plan of salvation had specific order. He first gave the Law, and then the prophets. Afterward, He sent His only begotten Son and finally, the Holy Spirit was sent. Likewise, there is a proper process for physical healing. Anyone who desires to be healed must take the necessary steps.

The Devil is a legitimate ruler of this world. For man to break away from this ruler, he has to follow a legal process. Even the forgiveness of sins has been granted to us through a due process. Healing for our sicknesses has been provided also through a due process. No matter how much a person cries out with his hands lifted up, without the appropriate legal measures, no one can break away from the dominion of the Devil. Whoever follows the legal process can boldly walk out of the dominance of the Devil.

Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. (John 12:31)

The Lord was explaining the process through which the ruler of the world will be cast out. When the world receives judgment, the ruler of this world will be cast out.

When people cast out demons, they think that they have to use their own power and strength to fight and defeat them. But no one can defeat demons through a physical combat. Demons use the authority of the ruler of the world, specifically the Devil’s. No worldly religious methods or disciplines can set a man free from the Devil’s oppression.

Is there something that a king cannot do in his own kingdom? Is he not able to snatch away children as his servants? Is he not able to capture wives for himself? Is he not able to seize possessions? A commoner cannot fight the ruler of the world with his own strength. The only way for man to overcome the dominion of the ruler of the world is to know that God has legally judged that ruler, and to use the legal authority that God has given to those who believe in Christ.

God legalized Satan to become the Devil. The Devil can legally work against man as his enemy. To put it in other words, man was created to be tormented by the Devil. Nevertheless, the Messiah was prepared for man’s pain and suffering. So man was created with the covenant that he will be compensated through the Messiah.

Jesus taught that the Devil is the ruler of this world. If the Devil had not received the legal authority from God, then Jesus would not have called him a ruler. The Devil definitely received a legitimate authority from God. So man must make some form of legal payment to be freed from the Devil.

If a criminal fights his way out of prison, then his freedom would not be legal. If he is released on bail or at the end of his sentence, then he can come out legally. To give you another example, if a person tries to exit a store with an item that he has not purchased, then he could be caught and humiliated. To leave a store with any item, it must first be purchased. In like manner, the Devil uses his authority to cause sickness. One must resort to appropriate legal measures in order to be healed.

Lately, men in their 40s seem to die suddenly due to liver complications. A person with liver complications could suddenly die without any previous symptoms. These quick and sudden deaths are all lawful works of the Devil. Though cruel death seems unfair, there is no worldly method to fight the Devil and prevail. Medicine does not defeat the Devil. Only after rendering the legal payment can anyone strut away from the Devil’s control.

Ignorant people cannot break free from the Devil’s control. By ignorant, I do not mean illiterate or uneducated, but one who is oblivious of the will of God and His works toward mankind. The Bible labels those who do not have any spiritual experiences as being uninformed (1 Cor. 14:23). Ignorant people who are oblivious to the legal procedures that God has made available are powerless to break free from the Devil’s rule. If we know God’s legal methods, then casting out sicknesses would never be difficult. Therefore, we must dispense with worldly methods and man’s ways and boldly claim true freedom through God’s method.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

The Lord Jesus said in John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. This verse can be restated as, “You shall know this law and this law shall set you free.” Truth, put in the simplest form can be expressed as a law. This law did not originate from the universe, but existed even before the creation of the universe. The Devil is the law within the universe. His legal authority is completely valid here. It is within his authority in the universe to kill, maim, cause wars, and oppress. God gave to the lawbreaker, Satan, the name of the Devil. In doing so, He was declaring the Devil’s legal authority as valid within the universe.

The angel created to serve God had fallen and became Satan. The word Satan contains “traitor” in its meaning. The angel had betrayed God, but God is neither challenged nor does He challenge anyone (James 1:13). So rather than fighting back against the traitor, God imprisoned him in the universe to judge in His time.

And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day (Jude 6).

The word everlasting from “everlasting chains” refers to an attribute of God. So when it says “reserved in everlasting chains,” it means that God has confined him with His authority. Until when? He is confined until the day of judgment. In other words, God imprisoned the traitors within the universe with His authority and made them wait until they would be judged by due process.

The angel rebelled against God because he had the free will to do so. Having a free will means that when God’s commandments are given, the choice to obey or disobey is present. God’s words became commands to the angels because they possessed free will. If the angels did not have the choice to disobey God, then God’s commands would not have been applicable to them. Because they had to receive God’s commands, the angels needed to be created with the free will to either obey or disobey.

The question then becomes, why do the angels need to receive God’s commands? John 12:50 says that God’s command is eternal life. In order to live eternally with God, His servants needed to receive His commandments. Free will was given to the angels so that they can utilize it to receive God’s commandments and obtain eternal life.

However, one of the angels used his free will to disobey God. God did not immediately destroy the rebellious angel. It was illegal for the angel to oppose God, but the act of using his free will to reject God’s word was still within his legal right. God could not immediately punish the angel for making his legal choice, though it was a negative one. So God first confined the rebellious angel in the universe to judge him in due time. This was to confirm whether he really rebelled against God, for he needed to be prosecuted by due process. When the time was fulfilled, the Son of God came into the world and legally judged the Devil through His crucifixion and resurrection. That is why before His death, Jesus said, “Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31).

The latter part of Genesis 1:2 says, “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” This verse has the same meaning as the “everlasting chains” in Jude 6. Before the creation, the universe was filled with water. So when it says, “the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters,” it means that God’s powers were covering the whole universe. Simply put, it is like the Minister of Justice fortifying Hades with high walls and securing it with armed guards so that those who are in custody there cannot escape.

The universe is the place where Satan is placed under custody. The universe is also the place where God had created and placed man. The reason God had deliberately done this was so that Satan would turn his attention away from God and be induced towards tormenting man. This was all deliberately done by God so that the Devil would be induced to do this. In other words, God allowed Satan to also become the Devil by introducing man to him. The word Satan means the illegal traitor that betrayed God, and the word Devil means the legal ruler of this universe that can antagonize mankind.

God created man to suffer at the hands of the Devil. But the plan to send the Messiah, the Christ, as compensation for man’s suffering was already preordained. In other words, as a reward for suffering at the hands of the Devil, God prepared an awesome reward of great prominence that would allow man to be treated the same as His Son.

The compensation that God had promised to man was none other than the truth itself. The easiest way to explain the truth is to describe it as a type of law. Thus, the Devil is the law that governs the universe, but the Messiah is the law that existed before the creation of the universe. All of the works of the Messiah followed legal procedures. He legally came into the universe and legally paid the ransom and rescued us from the hands of the Devil. If we are aware of this truth, then we would have no trouble casting out demons. Freeing yourself from the oppression of demons is not difficult at all. It is as simple and easy as paying for an item and bringing it home.

The Devil dominates the whole universe as the ruler of this world. So he is the law within the universe. But the truth is on a higher level that governs beyond the universe because it existed before creation.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

When we know the truth, we can legally and boldly receive salvation and be released from the Devil’s dominion. On the other hand, if we do not know the truth, then we can never receive true freedom. People who do not know the truth try to gain their freedom through self-discipline or penance, but these have no effect whatsoever against the law enforced in this universe.

God sent His Son Jesus Christ to open the legal way to salvation. Jesus did not fight the Devil one-on-one and violently take us from him by force. Jesus legally rescued us by paying the ransom with the blood that He shed on the cross.

We have to recognize the two different laws being enforced. One is the law called the Devil and the other is the law called truth. The truth and the Messiah are one. It is called truth when viewed from a legal perspective, and Messiah from a covenantal perspective. So the advent of the Messiah represents the descent of the law foreordained before the creation of heaven and earth. All of us are now saved through this law.

When an item costs a dollar, we pay the exact legal tender to buy that item. Similarly, the Messiah paid the price that the universe had affixed, and saved mankind. So receiving salvation or being healed of a sickness is as easy and practical as paying a dollar for an item that costs a dollar. Does anyone fast and pray throughout the night to buy an order of noodles? The Lord paid a huge price to save us from sins. All we have to do is legally take what is ours!

Before the law called truth came into this universe, the Devil did not cease to accuse man before God using the laws of the universe. It was he who had deceived man to sin, but he never stopped indicting him of sins. Man had sinned before God. Therefore, so long as the Devil accuses man, who has sinned, the righteous God has no choice but to punish man. However, Jesus Christ came as the lawyer to defend man, who had fallen into despair. No matter how much the prosecutor tries to indict the accused in a trial at court, if a more competent defense attorney defends in an appellate level, then the prosecutor’s case could break apart. The Devil prosecuted man with the laws of this universe, but Jesus successfully defended him with the truth, a law that is on a higher level from beyond the universe.

Jesus Christ is the most competent defense attorney. On one occasion, the Jews brought a woman caught in the act of adultery and hurled her down before Jesus. They accused the woman with the laws of Moses that instructed them to stone her to death and asked Jesus, “What do you say?” (John 8:5). If Jesus told them not to stone the woman, then He would be a lawbreaker. If He told them to stone the woman, then He would be disqualified as the Savior of the world. It was a difficult situation where if He said the wrong words, then not only would He be humiliated, but the woman would also be stoned to death.

How did Jesus, the most competent lawyer, start defending the woman? He stooped down and wrote something on the ground. The Bible does not say exactly what He wrote. But there were instances in the past where Jesus explained the Law of Moses in great detail. From the events in the past, we can surmise what Jesus wrote on the ground. He probably wrote, Everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has committed adultery. Everyone who is angry with his brother has committed murder. Everyone who covets in his or her heart has committed robbery…. People continued to question Jesus about the woman even when they saw Him writing these things on the ground. Then, Jesus rose up and said, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (John 8:7).

Then He stooped down and began writing on the ground again. The people who were ready to stone her started to go away because they felt guilty of their own sins. Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Law by saying, “throw a stone at her.” By also saying, “he who is without sin,” Jesus revealed that under the Law, no one was righteous.

When Jesus stood up again, there was only Him and the woman remaining in the court. Jesus asked her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, Lord.” “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” This is how Jesus rescued the woman. He is the most competent lawyer to defend humans.

The Devil accused humans with the laws of the universe, but Jesus used a higher law called truth to defend humanity. Man cannot survive under the laws in the universe. Only the law called truth that came from Heaven can give life to man. People who are under the truth can liberate themselves from the Devil’s law; they will not be condemned. People are oppressed, tempted, and afflicted by the Devil because they are not under the law called truth.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32)

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. (Rom. 8:1-2)

In order for us to receive salvation legally, we first have to acknowledge that the Devil is a legitimate ruler of this universe. The Devil is the ruler of this world with legal authority. The truth is the only law (a legitimate process) that sets us free from the rule of the Devil. Nothing that is of this world can free us from the authority of the Devil. The Devil has the authority to kill anyone and anything that are inside the universe. That is why the Bible refers to the Devil as “him who had the power of death” (Heb. 2:14). Even the Son of God was put to death in the domain ruled by the Devil. But the Son of God resurrected from the dead by the law called truth. We can be freed from the Devil’s rule because we are in the truth by being united with the Son of God.

Many people think that it is normal to be sick because they do not understand the truth and their legal right to be healed. They do not understand this law called truth. They justify sicknesses by saying, “When the body is weak, people can get sick.” However, we have to be fully aware that the law called truth came into this world and judged the law called the Devil, and that the authority of the Devil no longer affects those who are in the truth.

Before He was crucified, Jesus said, “Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31). The phrase “now judgment is upon this world” means that the time is near for the Devil to be judged. By whom and how was the Devil judged? He was judged by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Today, we are able to cast out demons in the name of Jesus because He has already judged the Devil. People who do not know this fact consider us as insane people when they hear that we cast out demons. However, casting out demons is definitely our privilege and legal right.

There are times when I can describe to people about the demons that they see in their dreams even before they say a word to me. On one occasion, I was able to give the name of the demon because I saw the nametag on the army uniform that he was wearing. The people who come to me are so surprised at my description that they almost faint. But being able to subdue the demons is not so odd or unique. We have the ability to subdue the demons because Jesus Christ has already judged the Devil.

Many people are unable to maintain their faith in Jesus because the Devil and his cohorts are still active in this world. People, who are unaware that the Devil has already been judged, return to the world because they are deceived. But the ones who know the truth never turn away from God no matter how many times the Devil may tempt them. We must remember that we have been legally set free from the Devil.

People who are oblivious of their legal rights easily give up in despair. Even accepting sickness as your own is also another form of despair. By labeling pain and sicknesses, people make them medically official. Ultimately, they forfeit their authority to be free from the sicknesses that the Devil brings.

The Lord said that the ruler of this world would be cast out only when the world is judged. When we are fully aware of the judgment of the Devil, he will lose and be chased away. On the other hand, if we are ignorant of his defeat, then we will never be free from the attacks of the Devil.

For the people who know that the Devil has already been judged, being freed from sicknesses is their God-given right. Unfortunately, some people fast and pray in order to be freed from sickness because they are unaware of what has already happened to the Devil. Others massage the pressure points under the armpits of a mentally ill person claiming that such methods could cure them. When the person screams in pain, they say that the demon is revealing himself so they press even harder. Some patients have died because they have been brutally mistreated in such ways. Demons are spiritual beings; applying physical force does not have any effect on them.

Some people say, “Demon, get out right now! Jesus can defeat you!” and act as if they are fighting the demon. But Jesus does not save us by fighting the demons personally. Jesus has already judged the ruler of this world and we possess His authority. Casting out demons is a like a legal transaction. Once an item is paid for, it can be taken home. No one screams, “I believe I am able to buy this!” while they are at the store when they want to purchase something. When a proper payment is made, the item can be brought home without any effort. Similarly, when we know the truth, we can experience the freedom legally.

Some people fast whenever things go wrong. Of course, it is more beneficial to fast and pray instead of just praying. But the Bible never states that fasting is a direct method of delivering our prayers to God. The only way that our prayers can reach God is through the name of Jesus. It is better to have faith without fasting than to have no faith with fasting. When a person without faith fasts, it is the same as starvation. I am not discouraging people from fasting, but I am saying that fasting is not the answer to everything. Of course, there are many benefits to fasting. However, when a person who is in a physically and mentally weak condition fasts, this could help the demon to possibly dominate him.

If we know the truth, then it will definitely set us free. No matter how entangled a string might be, there is always a way to untangle it. If you try to untangle it in the wrong way, then the string will get entangled even more. For the sick that desire to be healed, they need to know the truth. I know a pastor in another country that counsels the sick first when they come to him. He then prays for them briefly before he sends them away. Many who were lame walked out of his office after getting prayer. They were in the office for a short time, but they all went home healed. Isn’t this so simple and effective?

But say the word, and my servant will be healed. (Luke 7:7b)

Somebody can quote this same Bible passage to his local pastor. The person will say, “Pastor, just like the centurion, merely say the word and I will be healed.” If a person actually quotes this Bible passage and asks this request - fully understanding the truth - I could not imagine anyone with better faith! Unfortunately, many people just want to be healed. They do not have the proper understanding of the truth. They just try to use their pastor to see if it might possibly work. Unfortunately, many people just try to be healed. They just try to use me to see if it would work. Peter asked the Lord for His word when he said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water” (Matt. 14:28).

When Jesus told him, “Come!” Peter started to walk on the water despite the dangers. Just like Peter, if we do possess the faith that proclaims, “Just say the word, Lord!” then we need to be able to walk on water, jump into a fire, and break our crutches when the Lord gives the word.

When I was leading a revival at a city called Soonchun, three people came using crutches. Before the revival started, I noticed that one of them was carefully hiding his crutches. I asked him why he was hiding the crutches so carefully. He said that he wanted to make sure nobody took them during the revival so that he can reclaim them later. After the revival, the other two men threw away their crutches and walked home perfectly healed. But the man who hid his crutches had to go home still dependent on them. No matter how much he cried out to God for healing, his crutches were waiting for him. How then could he be healed?

Truth is the law that allows us to legally obtain real freedom. Our salvation and healing are in accordance with this law. People who are ignorant of this truth might receive healing but they would soon come back to get prayer again. If they definitely knew the truth, such frustrating situations could be avoided.

Jesus Christ has already judged the ruler of this world, namely the Devil, when He was crucified and resurrected. The Devil had legal authority as the ruler of this world before Jesus came. But since Jesus has resurrected, the Devil now must surrender his authority to the people who possess the law of Christ. So we rightfully use our authority to be liberated from sin, sicknesses, or death. We do not fight the Devil with force to escape from his dominion; rather, we boldly walk out of his jurisdiction knowing our legal rights.

For example, a police officer who was discharged due to illegal activities could probably frighten some people with his expired badge if they do not know about his status. But if the people are aware, not only will they be unafraid of him, they can also threaten to report him to the police.

People think that being oppressed by demons is somehow their destiny or allotted fate. Accepting such things is another type of despair. Accepting such destiny or fate is another type of despair. People who know the truth never fall into despair. We have legally received liberty through the law called truth. Since the world is legally ruled by the Devil, there is no way to be free from the Devil’s tyranny without using a legal process. In order to be completely free, we must know how our sins were forgiven. We must understand how we have received salvation, authority, and eternal life. In other words, we have to know our legal rights of faith. Any Christian who accepts curses and hardships as fate or destiny are no different to an unbeliever.

The Lord is telling us, “The ruler of this world has been judged! He has been judged because I was crucified and resurrected. Free yourselves from the Devil. You don’t have to be oppressed by him. If you acknowledge your legal authority, then he can’t touch you anymore. But if you don’t know the truth, he will never let go of you. If you don’t acknowledge your authority, then he will claim his authority over you.”

The ruler of this world killed the Son of God with the authority of death, but He rose from the dead according to the truth. Therefore, the ruler of this world has been utterly defeated. This means that the authority of death has no effect against Jesus. What effect could it have since He resurrected from death? If a person takes poison, but does not die, then that poison is useless. The greatest power of the Devil was death, but Jesus resurrected from the dead, so the Devil has been defeated publicly. Not only that, people are liberated from the Devil’s rule through Christ Jesus.

The Devil was previously the ruler of this world, but now he cannot legally touch those who are in Christ Jesus. The forgiveness of sins is legally ours in Christ. Being healed from sicknesses is also our legal right. The law of Heaven legally guarantees them. We no longer have to be oppressed by sicknesses. A disease may deceive, enter, and tempt us, but it cannot dominate us. People are being ruled by sicknesses because they do not know the truth.

Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to the disciples after He resurrects and ascends to the Father. And He told them that when the Holy Spirit comes, He would teach the realities of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. (John 16:7-11)

When Jesus said in John 12:31, “Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out,” He had the suffering on the cross in mind as He revealed that the Devil would shortly be judged. But in John 16:11 it says, “Of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.” So by the time the Holy Spirit came to the world, the Devil was already judged.

How does the Holy Spirit convict the world concerning judgment? The Holy Spirit exhorts us not to be deceived by the ruler of this world who has already been judged. Since he is now just waiting for his punishment, anyone who stays belonged to him will be punished with him at the end.

Why do you allow yourself to be condemned by being with the one who is already judged? If you entrust yourself to him, then you will also be condemned and punished with him at the end. There is nothing left for him except punishment, so why do you align yourself with the condemned? Break away from him. He has already been condemned!

In this way, the Holy Spirit teaches us the truth so that we can experience the freedom (John 8:32). This is why the Lord referred to the Holy Spirit as the “Spirit of truth” (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit has taught us a law that is different from the laws of this world. He has taught that the law of resurrection has legally judged the law of death, so that we can be free from the law of death.

People who entrust themselves to the Devil will have to be punished with him at the end. Judgment and punishment are different. The Devil has been judged already and is now waiting for his punishment. When Jesus returns, the punishment for the Devil will commence. Then, all the people who are with the Devil will also be punished together. Thus, we are not to entrust ourselves to the Devil. People who seek the words of mediums, people who worship idols as if they are God, and people who yearn for the gods of this world will be punished with the Devil upon Christ’s return.

In order to be liberated from the Devil, we do not need to struggle. We have to properly gain our liberty by acknowledging the fact that the Devil has been judged already. In other words, our liberty needs to have the legal guarantee. God’s law provides that guarantee and protection. Instead of saying, “Lord, please help me just this once!” we need to say “Demon, who do you think you are? I am a free person. Get out now!” We must boldly exercise our rights.

No matter the severity of the sickness, if you know the truth, then you must boldly take off the sicknesses as if they were dirty clothes. When I cast out demons, I frequently say, “Demon, this person was bought with the blood of Jesus. Why are you tormenting a child of God?” After such words, the demons leave without causing further trouble.

Some people say that the demons are afraid only when they stand face-to-face with Pastor Ki Dong Kim. The truth is that it is not me whom they are afraid of, but the truth that works in me. Demons are afraid of the name of Jesus because they know that the Lord has destroyed the ruler of this world legally.

Receiving freedom through Jesus Christ is the same as confidently exercising the legality of God’s truth. Demons leave not because they are afraid of a certain individual; they simply have no choice but to go when we confidently acknowledge that our salvation is legal. Therefore, demons are afraid of me because I am fully aware of God’s truth. When I was once casting out a demon, the demon within that person cried out, “You ****! Okay, I’ll go! Fine! But mark my words, I’m going to come back! Wait and see! The moment you step out of this building, I’m going to go back into you.” In this situation, the demon left because when I was casting it out, I confidently knew God’s truth. But the demon threatened to come back into that person because he himself did not know the truth.

It saddens me that the church, the body of Christ, is so powerless. We have to make sure that the works of the early church continue in the churches that we serve. No matter how corrupt and secular this world becomes, the church needs to treasure the law of heaven. This law was preordained in the Messiah even before the universe began. We must know this law called truth and through it obtain our rightful victory. Sinners must experience forgiveness and the sick must be healed.

The Bible keeps mentioning about healing because it is the most expedient way to show that God is alive and His words are true. People who cannot believe in the healing works of Jesus also cannot believe in redemption. How can a person believe the invisible when he does not believe the visible? If he believes that the works of Jesus cleanse his sins, then he would also believe that His works could heal him of any sickness too. Did Jesus not treat the forgiveness of sins the same as the healing of sickness? Jesus said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you” (Matt. 9:2). Then, He said to him, “Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house” (Matt. 9:6).

This means that the one forgiven has no reason to be bedridden any longer; he just needs to stand, take his bed and return home. In the past, it was our fate to suffer, to be ruled, and be put to death by the Devil, but we no longer have to suffer since we are now in Christ. We have the right to live with the liberty given to us by Christ. Hallelujah!

Being healed from sicknesses is your legal right, liberty, and truth. You were incapacitated by the Devil’s law, but now rise up by the law of truth! You were sick under the law of the Devil, but now be freed through the law of truth! You were in bondage under the law of the Devil, but now be liberated through the law of truth! Enjoy your freedom legally and freely! The way to gain this freedom is very simple. In fact, it is so simple that people do not even try to believe the truth.

The Devil has been judged already. People who follow the Devil will be judged with him at the end. They are deceived by the Devil because they are not fully aware of the true law. Thus the Holy Spirit says, “The ruler of this world that has been oppressing you has been judged already. So depart from his rule! Leave his influence! The truth will rule over you and will set you free!”

We must cease our blind obedience to the Devil and be obedient to the truth from now on. If you are still lingering in sickness while you claim to be obedient to the truth, then you are really not obeying the truth. A person who has possessed the truth has the right to set himself free from any sickness. People cry out, “Lord I believe, I believe!” But they have not loosened their grip on the sickness. It is my heartfelt desire that you would know the absolute law called truth so that you will not only be set free from sicknesses but also live victorious lives standing on your rightful authority.

Casting out demons is very simple and easy. The demons tremble before me in fear because I know the truth. If you know the truth, then the demons will also tremble in the same way. Impostors only target the people who do not know much of the world. They never approach people who are alert and smart. Likewise, we must fully know that the Devil has been judged. Jesus said, “Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out” (John 12:31). When we are aware of his judgment, the forces of the Devil will be chased away from us.

Sicknesses are not the only attacks of demons. They bring poverty, suicides, and all kinds of curses. If your spiritual eyes were opened, then you would see so many people suffering under severe oppressions of demons. There are so many people who come to me for demon expulsion, and I see in the spirit, serpents wrapped around their necks. I see serpents going in and out of people’s mouths when they yawn during sermons. I do not usually mention these things to them because they are just visions.

We have to legally and properly gain our liberty by knowing the truth.

“I have true freedom!” “I have true freedom!” “I have true freedom!”

The enemy that has been ruling over us, causing sickness, poverty, pain, and oppression until now has already been judged. He has no authority. An impostor has deceived you until now. The condemned has no legal authority or power. He might have killed and oppressed the people legally in the past, but he does not have the same authority anymore. The authority is now with the people who are of the truth. Now we can oppress the Devil and rule over him. We have legally acquired our freedom. It is our right to be free and victorious. Hallelujah!

Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. (John 12:31)

Before Jesus judged the Devil, he was able to legally oppress people. However, we can now legally condemn the Devil since he has been judged. Therefore, we should rightfully enjoy our liberty with this awesome privilege.

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