Chapter 6: The Operations of Demons

When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it: “Deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter him no more!” Then the spirit cried out, convulsed him greatly, and came out of him. And he became as one dead, so that many said, “He is dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose. (Mark 9:25-27)

Demons infiltrate a person’s body through the access given by deceiving spirits. When a person is induced by deceiving spirits and makes decisions that are abominable before God, the demons enter his body. This is tragic, but on the other hand, it means that we can prevent the infiltration of demons if we use our will wisely.

Some people think that demons enter people’s souls but this is not true. A person’s soul is the person himself. The soul is a dwelling place only for God. A demon cannot indwell the soul of an unbeliever either. For example, the soul of a person named Kim is who he is, the person himself. Demons do not enter Kim himself, but into his nervous system that is central to his body. Demons can dwell and operate anywhere that is connected to the nervous system, even down to the toes.

A person does not go to hell just because a demon is inside his body. Demons can only afflict and destroy the body. The body will decompose and return to the earth once separated from the soul. No matter how beautiful it appears to be, the body would start to decompose as soon as it is detached from the soul. The soft milky skin would discolor and let out a foul stench. One’s spouse might be aesthetically beautiful now, but once he or she passes away, their body would become a mortifying sight and would have to be cremated or buried. No one in their right mind would live with the corpse of a loved one, even if they wish not to be separated. Once the soul leaves, the flesh degenerates into a horrid thing, useless and despicable to everyone.

The body is a house for the soul. The soul dwells in the body temporarily and has to leave at an appointed time. After the soul leaves, the body would immediately start to rot and eventually return to dust. Initially the body has only one owner. However, another soul can infiltrate and dwell in the same body. That outsider is a demon.

A person who shares his house with a demon would always be in confusion since his own thoughts and the demon’s thoughts would constantly be clashing. For example, a person’s soul desires to go to church on the Lord’s Day. But the demon does not want the body it is occupying to go to church. Consequently, this person would always battle within himself every Lord’s Day about attending the church service. On the other hand, if there were no demon present in the same house, decisions would be made easily and quickly. This person would also be able to believe in the words of God easily and promptly obey them.

Demons constantly bombard people with struggles and agonies. People appear to be normal on the outside as they start the day, eating breakfast, commuting to work, etc. But for some reason, a thought comes into their mind as they look out the window and see the river. Should I kill myself? Wait! Why am I thinking like this? One day their mood and thoughts are coherent but the next day, they think of dying. Random positive and negative thoughts constantly cross their minds. These persistent negative thoughts that bombard the mind are from another soul that has taken residence in the body.

Some people love their spouses so much that they cannot live a single day without them. But all of a sudden, they do not even want to see a trace of them. Why does this happen? Another personality has taken residence in their body. For some people, they feel the urge to deceive others even if they are trying to speak honestly at that moment. Some people determine to live better spiritual lives, while at the same time they think they should not be involved with useless things because they are busy making money. “Why should I waste my time at church?” Or some people make up their minds to give tithe, but they hesitate, “If God doesn’t exist, all of this would be in vain.” Some desire to get married, but then they are tempted by the freedom of living as a single. Then there are people who think of working diligently to support their families, but the thought of running their own business lurks in their minds. Thus if two or more personalities occupy a body together, there is endless chaos, confusion, and conflicts within the person.

People who have multiple personalities abiding in them have difficult spiritual lives. Think of all the chaos and confusion he has to endure because of the demon inside him! Would demons agree in giving tithe to God? Would they adore your thanksgiving to God? What about your prayers and Bible reading? Would they be happy when you fervently evangelize? Would they honor your love and sacrifices for your pastor and the church? Demons will always oppose anything that could benefit our spiritual life.

There is an account of Judas Iscariot selling Jesus for thirty pieces of silver in the Bible. A person who reads this might think, how dare he betray the Lord for thirty pieces of silver! He is definitely wicked! But for some reason, his mind strays to another direction. The mention of silver coins reminds him of money and suddenly he remembers the money he owes for a gye. (Gye: a co-op fund among Koreans, whose members invest an agreed amount of money and receive a lump sum in the agreed order.) Every time he tries to read the Bible, a word might make him digress again to another thought. This can happen if a demon resides in a person.

When multiple personalities exist in one body, the resulting conflicts and anguish are immense. A person might decide to go somewhere, but suddenly lose interest. He might decide to do something, but does not actually do it. These are the signs of being oppressed by demons. Would it be possible to sustain a healthy spiritual life when a demon is residing inside the body? Spiritual life involves fulfilling vows that were made before God regardless of the sacrifice. But if there are constant conflicts within one’s heart, how can a person maintain a sound spiritual life? In order to continue in spiritual advancement, the foreign personality residing in the body must be condemned and cast out.

Demons enter the nervous systems to start the separation of the spirit from the body, namely death. Demons retain the physical conditions that they experienced at death as their trait. For instance, if an unbeliever died from lung cancer, then he would cause lung cancer in another person as a demon. Lung cancer has become that demon’s trait.

Jesus called the demon in Mark 9:25 as a “deaf and dumb spirit”. People become deaf and mute because the deaf and mute demon has gone into them. If a demon of sickness enters a person, then that person will suffer from the same sickness. A blind demon would cause blindness in a person. A crippled demon would cause a person to become crippled. When a demon that drowned enters a person, he feels the urge to jump in the water and drown or feels the pain of drowning. Some people even encounter dangerous situations whenever they are in water.

A woman who was terminally ill with breast cancer came to me. The cancer had already eaten away her breasts and it was an awful sight. When I rebuked the demon inside of her, the demon said, “Sister-in-law, it’s me”. The demon was her husband’s brother who had died from a gunshot wound to the chest during the Vietnam War. During another demon expulsion, an unsolved criminal case was exposed. The demon asked me to relieve its anguish by finding its body that had been secretly buried after being murdered.

One deacon in my church had such a bad case of hemorrhoids that he could not even walk properly. People who visited his home said that the rotting stench was so horrible and unbearable that they had to leave. When I went myself, I understood their repulsion. I inspected the affected area and noticed that about the size of a fist of the area had rotten away. When I was about to cast out the demon, I suddenly saw a vision of a man in his twenties bleeding out of his anus from a gunshot wound. I asked the deacon if he had seen this young man in his dreams recently. The deacon was surprised and told me that he had seen him in his dreams. The young man from the vision was a person from his town long time ago when he was a child. The young man treated the deacon like his own nephew, taking him everywhere. When the Korean War broke out, he was captured and taken away. On the way, he received a fatal shot to the rectal region and bled out. The deacon had secretly followed the man and witnessed the killing with his own eyes. Since then, the man frequently appeared in his dreams. After hearing the story, I cast out the demon, “Get out of him right now!” The demon left saying, “Oh my! I’ll go! I never thought you’d despise me this much!”

Demons enter the body of a person. To be more precise, they enter the nervous system of the body. When a sick person goes to a hospital, they label the sickness. The most common diagnosis is neurological disorder. Neurological disorders cannot be healed even though the nervous system functions properly. It just means that the cause of the sickness is unknown.

Demons do not just bring diseases. The absence of sicknesses does not necessarily indicate the absence of demons. There was a brother in our church who was so obese that he looked like a pregnant woman due to give birth. After I cast out the demon from him, he lost so much weight! He thought that his obesity was because of his natural physical make-up, but it was actually the demon’s characteristic manifesting through his body.

Demons can also cause people to commit suicide instead of causing diseases. If a demon that committed suicide by drowning enters a person for example, the person may become emotionally sensitive and have recurring pessimistic thoughts. Though he might not have any particular illness, he would lose all motivation and eventually become depressed. Some people continue in that depressed state and later take their own lives. If two personalities are manifesting through a person, he must realize that he is already being oppressed by demons.

The easiest way for a demon to invade a person is through evil, negative thoughts. Demon possession happens in five stages. First of all, evil thoughts enter a person’s mind. Second, he harbors those evil thoughts. Third, he becomes depressed. Fourth, he gives up in despair. And finally, he becomes oppressed. Especially people who are introverted tend to dwell on problems obsessively.

For example, when parents curse at them, introverted children take it word for word. If a mother cannot catch up to a child running away from her, she might let out in anger and say things that she does not mean such as, “You’ll get hit by a truck and die right there!” If the child harbors this curse in his heart, there is a great possibility that he might die in such a way. A demon that died from a car accident could go into the child through such negative thoughts.

The influence of demons can also manifest through poets. There is a huge difference between the poems in the Bible and the poems written by unbelievers. The poems in the book of Psalms are full of words that honor and praise God. But the poems written by unbelievers are filled with words of despair, pain, suffering, and vanities. Secular poets write about sunsets, tears of young ladies, a lonely walk in the moonlight, etc. People who write using negative words are usually introverted. Introverts would write pessimistic poems when pessimistic demons enter them.

I have cast demons out of secular poets before. The interesting thing is that after the demons leave, they no longer have the same poetic concepts they previously had. Those concepts had come from the demons themselves.

A similar factor also plays a part in causing a person to become mentally ill. It is recommended that mental patients do not fast if possible. It would be beneficial for a patient with a stomach ulcer to skip a few meals, but for other patients, fasting could instead provide a chance for demons to dominate the person. It is the same with sleep deprivation. Some people do not sleep for days so that they can pray throughout the night. Even if a healthy person were to fast and go sleepless for two or three days, he could become mentally distressed. We have to be aware that demons use such opportunities to possess people.

During the revivals I led, I have dealt with so many patients, but not a single person had become mentally ill. But at the spiritual revivals led by other revivalists, some people have actually developed mental disorders. This is because the ministers are oblivious of demons. Rather than casting out demons, they would actually provide the demons easier access to enter and possess the attendees.

Most of the people with mental problems have introverted personalities. Introverted people are sensitive to minor things in life and tend to dwell on those issues obsessively. People become depressed as they obsess over negative thoughts. Many who are introverts are actually prideful. These people appear to be humble since they do not express their opinions much. Many matchmakers say, “Oh, he or she is reserved and has a great personality,” when they introduce people to each other. But introverted people are more likely to be oppressed by demons.

People think that the mentally ill have lost their minds. The mentally ill should not be regarded as irrational people who have lost their minds. No matter how bizarre their actions may be, they are fully aware of their surroundings. They have just chosen not to use their own will. Even though people bring mental patients and call them insane, I do not treat them as such. They might display erratic behaviors occasionally because they have been severely oppressed, but I know that they have not lost their minds. Actually, when people make fun of them, they listen to every word and see every action. Thus it does not help to treat them like mental patients.

Some people request to heal mental patients forcefully with the power of God. I usually say to them, “The person must have faith first.” However, they respond, “How can a mentally handicapped person have faith? Just heal him with God’s power.” If it is possible to save and heal people regardless of their will, then why should we only heal the mentally ill? Why not convert the rich people forcefully with this power so that they could do more for the ministry?

Salvation is not something that is given forcefully to anyone. Without the willingness to receive, no one can receive the authority to be a child of God. John 1:12 tells us that God gave the right to become His children to those who believe in His name. All mental patients can use their own will to accept Jesus as their Savior. If they do not accept, then there is no way that they can receive salvation.

During evangelism, patients with various ailments such as high blood pressure, ulcers, cancers, etc attend. I tell them, “Believe in Jesus. When you believe in Him, you can receive salvation. When you are saved, you can also be healed.” But most people do not even attempt to believe. They might be on their deathbed due to digestive disorders, but they still resist and do not believe. They might faint from high blood pressure right on the street, but they stubbornly do not believe. Even though they are given the good news that God can heal them, they reject His help and oppose. Though they hear the greatest news that Jesus heals, they refuse to accept healing because they do not want to receive Jesus as their Savior.

The same is for mental patients. They have their own mind and will to either believe or refuse Jesus. Even though the mentally ill person has another consciousness working strongly within, his own consciousness is still present. Even the mentally ill must use their own will to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior in order to be saved.

When I cast out demons, on many occasions, the demons cry bitterly and complain vehemently about the injustices they suffered. When the demon reveals itself and starts to cry, the mind of the host is still clear and alert. He is just suppressed behind the demon. The demon might be saying through the person, “I’m so bitter and angry! I came to kill her and now this!” But the woman’s mind would still be sound. This means that the person is still listening, looking, thinking, etc. Yet she does not respond because her body can only manifest one personality at a time. If the demon-possessed person accepts Jesus Christ as his Savior willingly and consciously, then it would be much easier to cast out the demons.

To successfully cast out demons, the demon-possessed person must have the assurance of salvation. Because the name of Jesus Christ has legal authority, the demons must leave. Therefore, to cast out demons, the possessed person must have the definite assurance that he has been saved by the works of Jesus Christ.

Some people mistakenly think that they have to physically fight the demon to be healed from a sickness. They tense their muscles and clear their throats before screaming at the demon on top of their lungs when they cast them out. To be liberated from demonic oppression, believers must use the authority of Jesus given to all.

“Demon, Jesus has purchased me with His blood. I belong to Him now. I command you, LEAVE!”

Healing in the name of Jesus is not a strange phenomenon. It is the proper result of a legal procedure. Let us explain this further. The Devil is the authority in the universe. In other words, he is the rightful ruler in the universe. The previous chapters have discussed that the name Devil itself was the name that was given to a legal being. However, an absolute authority called the truth arrived in this universe, a place that was already being governed by the Devil. The truth is the authority that came from beyond the universe and is above the authority of the Devil. Thus, the only way that anyone can be liberated from the authority of the Devil is by the authority of the truth. No one can fight the Devil with his own strength. Believers must acknowledge and assert their legal rights in order to subdue the Devil. To cross a national border, proper documents and visa must be submitted to the immigration office. Likewise, to be liberated from the Devil, each believer must show and use his rightful authority.

If a person truly accepts Jesus as his Savior, then he can be completely healed even if he is mentally ill. The Bible mentions about the demon-possessed man in the land of Gadarenes. From what the Scripture shows, it can be deduced that he was a mental patient. However, he was in his right mind when he shouted, “Jesus, Son of the Most High God” (Mark 5:7).

Before going further, let us briefly discuss about demons. I once asked a demon, “Who is she to you?” The demon answered, “This is my mom. I died of measles when I was only six months old. I came back because I missed her.”

The demon was six months old, but talking to me with the intelligence of an adult. How can a child who is six months old know what measles is or even talk right? A demon that claims to be a year old will say it is a year old many years later. If the demon claims to be fifty, it would still claim to be fifty years old when asked again in a few years. We see from these examples that the demons use the age of their deaths as their given age. Then, how could a six-month old demon talk and possess knowledge? The demon is able to acquire knowledge through the mother’s personality by going into her. Consequently, the demon acquires all the knowledge and experiences of the host.

When cast out, the demons weep and complain before they leave. During that time, the consciousness of the demon surfaces through the body of the person, making him cry and complain. But the person’s mind stays reserved in the back but fully alert. The dominant personality of the demon surfaces and speaks while the suppressed personality of the host submerges and remains silent. So the demon might be cursing and glaring at the person casting him out, but the actual person feels ashamed because of the vulgar words coming out of his mouth.

For a while, the person’s and demon’s consciousness are fused together. Yet, when the demon is rebuked in Jesus’ name, the two consciousnesses are forced to separate. When the separation of consciousness happens, the person himself would experience an amazing relief and clarity since he is no longer oppressed. When both are merged together, the demon stays inexpressive and hidden. But when the demon is rebuked, each consciousness become detached from one another and the demon manifests and cries that he would leave.

The same case happened in the land of Gadarenes with the demoniac. The demon wanted to avoid Jesus. But the man wanted to come before Jesus to get help. The Bible says, “immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit” (Mark 5:2). Though he was mentally ill, the man came to Jesus willingly on his own to get help. Nowadays, people drag a reluctant, mentally ill person to church and ask for healing. The man from the Gadarenes ran to Jesus on his own. Although his lips were uttering the words of the demon, his suppressed mind still desired to come before Jesus.

People who have had demons cast out of them are able to understand these explanations completely. They know how it feels when the demon talks through their lips while their mind is thinking, So that’s why I was sick all the time! Pastor, please cast out this demon quickly!

There are many references to demons in the Bible. But there is only one incident that deals with a demoniac as a mental patient. Almost all demon possession cases are not related to mental illness. Nevertheless, most people these days think that demon possession is somehow associated with mental illness. This is a critical misunderstanding resulting from not studying the Bible thoroughly.

No matter how mentally distraught a person might be, we must help them to be strong in their will. Some time ago, a family brought their daughter to our church. She was in her twenties, and she had developed a mental illness when she was in high school. For seven years she was unable to function as a normal member of society due to her illness. When she came to our church, she would scream and let out temper tantrums during worship. After worship, I asked the parents to tell me the reason for their daughter’s condition. They operated a bar for a while, but when their daughter reached high school, she begged them to stop selling alcohol and believe in Jesus. The parents had no intention of accepting Jesus or quitting their business, so they did not listen to their daughter. Feeling hopeless because of her parents’ obstinate heart and actions, she stopped eating and sleeping. Eventually, she developed a mental condition.

After hearing the story, I asked the parents to leave the room so that I could talk to the daughter alone. “I understand you. I know that you are not crazy. I know you became like this because your parents wouldn’t accept Jesus.” While I spoke, she kept acting as though she was alone and did not hear anything. But I kept talking to her as a normal person because I believed that she was listening to my words. “I know that you became this way because your heart was broken when your parents wouldn’t listen to you and change. But they have decided to accept Jesus as their Savior now. They have decided to stop selling alcohol, come to church, and give tithes. I know that you have gone through much pain because of your parents. Since your parents have decided to become Christians, shouldn’t you now become their support? If you continue this behavior, your parents might lose hope and turn back to their old ways. If that happens, your dream of bringing your parents to Jesus will be lost. You don’t want that to happen, do you?”

The girl was still pretending to ignore me, but I did not pay any attention to her indifferent actions. For introverts, they open their hearts to people they can trust. However, if they feel that the person cannot be trusted, they would not utter a word. When I kept on talking to her, she finally opened up and spoke to me. “Do you think that my parents would try to live good spiritual lives?” “Of course. They promised me that they would.” “Then what should I do now?” “We just have to cast the demon out of you.” “Then, please cast this demon out of me.”

The moment I rebuked the demon, it left her. For seven years she acted with demented behaviors, but in one moment, she became completely normal. In the same way, to be liberated from the demon’s oppression, each person must actively step out in faith on his own will. The same principle applies to healing. Some people say, “Do I have to pray to get healed? Can’t I just go to a hospital?” People who willingly refuse God’s help in such a way will not receive it. However, if believers stand determined to receive healing by God’s grace, then demons would lose their foothold to stay any longer.

The moment a believer becomes determined to receive God’s help, the demons cannot stay but leave. Why? He is acknowledging his given right as a child of God. If a believer is oblivious of his own legitimate right, then he will most definitely be deceived by demons. In order to cast out demons, it is important for the oppressed to first have a complete assurance of salvation, and then curse the demon using his legal authority.

Many pregnant mothers suffer from severe cases of morning sickness. The world considers morning sickness to be a normal part of pregnancy. But the truth is demons cause morning sickness. When a demon lies dormant in the fetus, the mother suffers from severe morning sickness.

People say that some diseases are genetically passed down from the parents. The same sicknesses occur in the next generations because demons go into their descendants with the sicknesses that they died from. Therefore, there are numerous cases where several family members suffer and die of cancer and the next generation suffers with the same ailment.

For children younger than seven years old, the demon must be cast out from the mother. I once prayed for a young boy and his sister suffering from infantile paralysis. They were completely healed after prayer. When I confronted the demon from their mother, their grandfather who had infantile paralysis revealed himself. The kids were fully healed when the demon left the mother. For children under the age of seven, their will is embedded in their mother’s. Because demons cling to the will of individuals, for children under the age of seven, the demons must be cast out from the mother. Therefore, when a child is sick, the person ministering should lay hands on the mother.

Once the child passes the age of seven, his will is no longer dependent on his mother’s will. He fears her as long as his will is with her, but once his will separates from hers, he starts to give her scornful looks. This is why people in Korea often say “ugly seven.” When the child reaches the age of seven, his will moves on from the mother to the father. So he would obey his father rather than his mother. Roughly from ages eight to fifteen, the child’s will divides between himself and the father. So for children over the age of eight, it is better to cast out the demons from both the child and the father.

Children usually reach puberty when they pass the age of fifteen. As they go through puberty, their will completely separates from their parents’. Even the adolescents regard themselves as independent from their parents. The parents and the teenager are similar in physical maturity. The only difference would be the lack of life experience of the child compared to the parents. The youth going through puberty lacks much wisdom; therefore, this stage could be a dangerous time in their life.

The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” (Matt. 8:8-9)

Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour. (Matt. 8:13)

A centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant. The servant always moved according to his master’s will. When the centurion received the words of Jesus in his heart, his servant was fully healed. In the same way, when the child’s will is dependent on the parent, then it is possible to heal the child through the willful decision of the parent.

One time, all four of a deacon’s children were hospitalized with coal briquette fume poisoning. (In the past, people in Korea used burning coal briquettes to heat their homes. Many people had died from gas poisoning in the past, since it had a high level of carbon monoxide.) When I cast out the demon from their mother, the kids were fully back to normal, running around the hospital room. The mother’s condition deeply affects the welfare of the children. The reason a child is unhealthy and suffers from chronic conditions is that the demons are operating in the mother. When the child is sick, the mother should also be simultaneously suffering from the same symptoms. Yet, the mother might not feel the sickness as much because she is stronger and healthier than the child.

Demons enter through negative thoughts, so we must not dwell on negative thoughts. If you do not want a bird resting on a tree branch, then you must drive it away before it starts to build a nest. When a person clings onto negative thoughts, the demons will have the opportunity to cling onto him just like the bird that lives on a tree by building a nest.

Some people give more authority to the doctor’s words than God’s words by saying, “The doctor says that I’m suffering from a nervous breakdown. He said that it is not easy to cure it.” By confirming and repeating their diagnosis such as, “I have a neurosis,” they give more weight to the name of the disease rather than the name of Jesus. The disease will oppress you the moment you welcome and accept its name into your life. Some people already have a conditioned response to challenges in life: “Oh, I have to walk slowly to stabilize my blood pressure.” “Oh, I can’t eat that because of my blood pressure.” “Oh, I can’t eat sugar because of my diabetes.

Some people put much sugar in their coffee, but they do not have diabetes. Diabetes develops when the demon that died from diabetes inhabits a body. Hypertension develops when the demon that died from hypertension enters a body. Consuming too much sugar does not necessarily cause diabetes.

Some people actually see demons at times. Demons do not exist in the location of their sightings. Actually, the demon is inside the person who sees it. A while ago, a taxi driver came and related to me about his experience. He was driving near the outskirts of a small town at around ten o’clock at night when he picked up a lady passenger. The lady wanted to go about a hundred meters and across the bridge. By the time they arrived on the other side of the bridge, he was trying to tell her that it would have been easier to just walk across. But when the driver looked back, no one was there. He was so startled that he went straight home that night. During the night, the same woman appeared in his dream giving him some money and saying that she was sorry for not paying the fare. After this incident, the taxi driver felt very uneasy driving, lost his appetite, developed a body tremor, and kept getting sick. When I rebuked the demon, she revealed herself as the lady whom he saw that night.

If ten people were in the same room together and only one sees a demon, then the one who saw the demon has the demon. And if the demon were rebuked from that person, then the demon would leave him. In other words, the demon is inside that person, but it would appear as though the demon is outside of the body. Some people even see demons walk away when it is cast out of them.

The Bible indicates that the natural lifespan of man is limited to 120 years (Gen. 6:3). This means that if an unbeliever dies at twenty, he has a hundred years left. So for the next hundred years, he would be a demon tormenting people.

The methods used by demons to torment people have some commonalities. Most commonly, demons cause the death of their host on the anniversary date of their own death. They also use the same cause of death as when they died. So if one of the family members had died from a car accident, then another member could die in a car accident also. It would be the same demon that had died from a car accident that is entering each member and causing the same type of accident.

For some people, as they stand on the sidewalk, they experience hallucinations that cars are heading straight at them, or that they are being lodged under a speeding car. When they are possessed and oppressed by a demon that died from a car accident, they can experience this disorientation. The demon would attempt to cause accidents whenever and wherever possible. However, the demon’s assault gets thwarted in Christians when they stand in faith. But unbelievers are left totally exposed and unprotected against their attacks. Demons are never satisfied with one kill, so they enter and kill as many people as possible.

A demon that died from drowning always leads the host to a body of water to drown him. Demons seek the opportunity to reenact their death through the host. Demons work day and night, never resting until their goal is achieved. If a person’s thoughts were continually pessimistic, then the demon would enter and lead him to the place where he had died. This is why we see car accidents happen in the same place all the time, and people committing suicides on the same spot over and over again.

I once saw an entire family of twelve members die except for one woman. Even the one who survived was not in her right mind. She regained her consciousness after I cast out the demon from her. The demon said before leaving, “I was going to finish my work. That’s why I came into her.” Basically, the demon went into the first person, caused death, and transferred to the next before it was cast out of the last person.

Demons are spirits of dead unbelievers. I ask the demons their names during their expulsion. When I do, they never give a name of someone who passed away from natural death. Instead, all of them would give names of people who met unfortunate deaths. Unbelievers who die at the end of their natural lifespan would go into the abyss without roaming the earth as demons.

And suddenly they cried out, saying, “What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?” (Matt. 8:29)

And they begged Him that He would not command them to go out into the abyss. (Luke 8:31)

The words “before the time” mean that there was some time left in their natural lifespan. The demons begged Jesus not to send them into the abyss since there was some time left in their natural lifespan to remain on the earth. The abyss is like a bottomless pit, so it can confine all the demons no matter how large the number. Once detained in the abyss, demons become inactive.

Readers! Be cautious in having any compassion for unbelieving relatives or family members once they die. If you have any sympathy for a dead unbeliever, then that demon can oppress you continually. At a funeral, the surviving family members mourn the loss of their loved ones. But out of the relatives, one might grieve uncontrollably. “You demon, come out now!”

If a demon is provoked in this way, then the demon will reveal itself. I once cast out a demon at a funeral. The demon said, “My daughter, how can you despise me like this?” and left. The demon had entered the daughter’s body even before the funeral was over.

Demons tend to enter the people who pity and love them, and are close to them. Demons usually do not enter those who previously hated them. If you keep thinking about an unbeliever who had previously died, feel sympathy for them, and cannot let that person go from your heart, then you are already being oppressed by that demon. Demons must be despised. They are personalities that have feelings; they do not like to be insulted.

If you visit your friend’s house and if he unexpectedly derides you and yells, “Why are you here? Get out of my face! Never come to my house again!” then you would never visit him again. Though he begs and pleads with you to come back to his house later, you would still not go because he has offended you. Likewise, demons must be treated with disdain because they have emotions. They must be treated like any other person. This is why we curse and rebuke them before they are cast out. Jesus not only rebuked them but also insulted them by calling them “unclean spirits” (Mark 1:26; 9:25, Luke 4:35).

The word unclean means filthy like feces. So “unclean spirit” is equivalent to saying dung-like spirit. In our spiritual lives, we must treat demons like dung. Who loses sleep because of an attachment for dung? Dung must be treated with disgust. No one ever keeps a plastic bag full of dung and occasionally takes it out to enjoy its smell. Dung is so filthy that we flush it down the toilet and wash our hands immediately.

Demons are dung-like spirits. So in the New Testament, the king of demons is called Beelzebul, meaning ‘lord of the dunghill’. In the Old Testament, demons are referred to as Baalzebul, meaning ‘lord of flies’. The Bible’s description of demons is always associated with dung.

and you shall have an implement among your equipment, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig with it and turn and cover your refuse. For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and give your enemies over to you; therefore your camp shall be holy, that He may see no unclean thing among you, and turn away from you. (Deut. 23:13-14)

God gave specific instructions on the disposal of feces to the Israelites. He would help the Israelites only if He does not see any excrement among the camp. The absence of excrement became a definite stipulation for Israel to receive God’s help.

Demons are dung-like spirits; thus, they must be cursed and treated with aversion and disgust. Does anyone refrain from flushing their own excrement because it is so beautiful to them? Demons must be condemned with vehement repulsion because they are as putrid as dung. They must be put to shame and embarrassment to the point where they will never think of returning. Some people think that demons are physical beings, but they are spiritual beings with personalities. So when their pride is wounded, they would never think of returning.

For some people, they do not progress spiritually because of a constant struggle in their mind. This means there is another person interfering with their thoughts. They must be cast out! Before casting them out, demons must be revealed first. Revealing the true identity of demons is an important weapon in expelling them. The demon’s weapon is man’s ignorance of their existence and identity. Thus, the more man denies the existence of demons in him, the stronger the demons become. Before Jesus came, no one expelled a demon because the identity of demons was never revealed.

The identity of demons was revealed to the world after Jesus had come. Before the advent of Christ, demons were considered to be mythological beings instead of actual individuals that could hurt and oppress people. The demons had to leave when Jesus confronted them because they could not hide their identities anymore. Therefore, it is important that the expeller and the demon-possessed person both vehemently curse the demons.

Some people are embarrassed that they have a demon in them. We do not have to be ashamed of having a demon, but we should boldly confront them if they have invaded us. Somebody once said this to me, “Pastor, can you pray for him but somewhere private? He is very shy and doesn’t want anybody to see this.”

I discourage these types of shy people from getting any prayer. Demons would return to them again and again because of their attitude. When we are expelling demons, we have to fully acknowledge that the demons are real and boldly curse them.

Mental illness does not develop overnight. In order for a person to become mentally ill, it takes about three years after a demon enters his body. Also, there is no specific demon that causes mental illnesses. Any demon can cause mental illness through other ailments. A demon may cause athlete’s foot and then cause mental illness. The athlete’s foot is not so serious, but behind the sickness is another personality that could bring chaos to the person’s mind. As a result, the demon must be cast out even when an athlete’s foot develops.

I collected statistical data during the demon expulsion sessions on how demons had entered the people. According to the data, eighty percent of the demons had entered when people did not observe the Lord’s Day. Remember that the deceiving spirits are the ones that cause the believers to stumble and violate the Lord’s Day worship. And these deceiving spirits operate when the person’s will is weak. Based on this finding, it is very important to immediately cast demons out of people who did not worship on the Lord’s Day. However, this information is not to be abused: no one should purposely miss the Lord’s Day worship and conveniently cast out demons the next day.

Remember, demons bring deadly curses to you and your family. What people consider to be a fate or destiny is all caused by demons. Christians are not fatalists. There are two types of fatalists: those who focus on innate fate and those who focus on acquired fate. The former believe that everything is already predetermined, and the latter despair in life because they do not care what happens to them. Yet, both of these conditions come from a single source: demons. Both think and conclude in such ways because they are oppressed by demons. People who leave everything to fate, destiny, or chance are all led by demons.

If you feel a demon is oppressing you, then curse that spirit in the name of Jesus. If you feel double-minded and many conflicts arise in your heart, then curse the demon that is in you right now. If you agree the demon has brought that sickness into your life, then I urge you to curse that demon right now. Those who have the assurance of salvation have the legitimate authority to curse and expel demons at any time and place. Do not be deceived anymore, but curse and cast out the demons with your rightful authority.

Demons are spiritual beings. They are unbelievers without a body. Among unbelievers, some are gentle, some are rude, and some are submissive. Demons are the same, but none of them benefit us at all. The Bible instructs us to never pardon but always curse the demons. The difference between unbelief and faith is like the difference between Heaven and hell, earth and sky, and Jesus and the people who crucified Him.

One lady came to me asking, “Pastor, my mother-in-law is dying at the hospital. Can you go and pray for her?” “Does she believe in Jesus?” “No.” “What about you?” “I don’t either.” “Then, I encourage you to believe in Jesus from this moment.” This woman had much love for her mother-in-law. So I explained about demons to her. “Your mother-in-law is an unbeliever. If she dies, then who do you think she will go into first? Wouldn’t she go into you who loved her so much to the end? You have to believe in Jesus so that you can prevent the demon from entering your body. And also, what’s important is your mother-in-law’s soul. We have to preach the Gospel, so that she can accept Jesus as her Savior before she passes away.”

A true believer in Jesus is a person who has, in a way, run out of funds to go to hell. Those who have been saved through God’s grace need to fervently work for rewards in Heaven. The demons will desperately try to stop you. If you have understood it is the demon that is oppressing you, then I encourage you to curse and cast it out in Jesus’ name!

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