Chapter 4: The Will that Overcomes the Deceiving Spirits

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron. (1 Timothy 4:1-2)

When Satan was cast out of Heaven into the universe, his cohorts were also hurled down with him. Satan was originally one of the archangels, and innumerable angels were attending to him in Heaven. Suddenly, the archangel fell and his cohorts fell with him.

So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. (Rev. 12:9)

When Satan obtained the legitimate authority in the universe, he and his angels naturally became a kingdom together. Within this kingdom, Satan became the king, namely the ruler of this world. When he became the ruler, his name changed from Satan to Devil. Another name for the Devil is Lucifer, which also symbolizes a king to a certain degree (Isa. 14:12, KJV).

One important thing to note is that the word Devil is always written in the singular form in the Bible. Some people carelessly say, “Devils,” but there is no such word in the Bible. The Devil is not many but one. Yet, his influence is felt everywhere because his agents are operating throughout the world.

Some people also think that the Devil is omnipresent, but he is not at all. When God asked him, “From where do you come?” the Devil answered, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it” (Job 1:7). This conversation clearly points out that the Devil is not omnipresent because he had to move from one place to another. Thus, he cannot simultaneously be in Seoul if he is in Busan for example. God alone is omnipresent.

Some people ask me, “Pastor, that person has such condition because the Devil possessed him, right?” These people think that the Devil can actually inhabit a person but the Devil does not and cannot enter a body. Only demons inhabit and torment people in the flesh. The Devil is the authority that controls them. Demons can also be viewed as the Devil’s servants, just like the cohorts that fell with him. Revelations 12:9 shows that the Devil’s agents are the fallen angels that were thrown down from Heaven with Satan. These cohorts are working in this world as the spirits of antichrist.

Deceiving spirits are different from the fallen angels and demons. They are angels that were originally sent to minister to the saints, but conformed to the saints’ abominable choices and became transmuted.

Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation? (Heb. 1:14)

All saints have ministering angels sent to help them. Angels are not the object of our worship (Col. 2:18). These angels are our servants dispatched to help us in our spiritual lives.

For example, a company can hire hundreds or thousands of employees according to the scale of their work. This is the same in the spiritual realm. According to the scale of the entrusted work, the same number of angels is needed to complete the task. For some people, they have thousands of employees for their company, but for their spiritual lives, they have virtually no ministering angels.

Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? (Matt. 26:53).

The word legion comes from the Greek word le-guyon, which corresponds to a unit of the Roman army used during those days. A single legion usually consisted of 6,000 soldiers, which meant that a dozen legion would be over 72,000 soldiers! Therefore, people who are operating with greater spiritual work and involvement can definitely use more angels to accomplish much for God’s Kingdom.

In the past, I would see visions of innumerable angels coming to assist me when I prayed for the sick in my evangelistic outreach revivals. Every saint has his own ministering angels near him. When Peter was asleep in the prison cell, his angel helped him to escape (Acts 12:6-10). Jesus also said that the children’s angels continually see the face of God (Matt. 18:10). Furthermore, when we pray, our ministering angels deliver those prayers to the Father (Rev. 8:3).

The book of Daniel explains clearly that prayers are delivered up to God through angels. When Daniel prayed, an angel was carrying the answers back to Daniel. But the prince of Persia (the Devil) temporarily obstructed the angel. Finally, with the help of the archangel Michael, he was able to deliver the answers back to Daniel safely (Dan. 10:12-14).

There is something interesting to learn from this account. Daniel prayed to get an answer, but he received nothing for ten days. After twenty days, it was the same. On the twenty-first day, he received the answer to his prayers. In reality, God heard Daniel’s prayer on the first day and had already answered it. However, the prince of Persia hindered the angel who was carrying God’s answer. Daniel did not give up, but prayed faithfully until the answer came. That is when the archangel Michael intervened to help the angel deliver God’s answer to Daniel. Though it took twenty-one days to reach Daniel, he eventually received his answer from God.

Another valuable lesson can be learned from Daniel’s experience. When we pray, our angel immediately carries our prayers to Him. As soon as it arrives, God answers our prayers and the angel returns with the answers at the appropriate time. However, the Devil’s agents could try to hinder the angel from delivering the answer. So even if we do not see the answers right away, we must wait to the end knowing that the angel is on his way with the answers. Even though it takes ten days, a month, or a year, the answers will eventually come if we do not give up.

For each one of us, we have our own ministering angels who help in spiritual affairs. The number of these angels depends on the amount of our spiritual engagements. When Elijah faced a life-threatening crisis, he felt very alone in the world. He was in a pit of despair, and nobody was there to help him. But God opened his eyes so that he could see the thousands of angels standing by to help him. When Elijah saw the multitude of angels ready to help, he regained courage knowing that he was not alone. In the same way, though we cannot see the angels, we must know that they are ready to help us at a moment’s notice.

Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven. (Matt. 18:10)

According to this verse, no matter how little a child is, his or her angel appeals to God about the injustices they suffer, just as how the blood of Abel cried out from the ground to the Lord about his cruel, unfair death.

One point to note is that the spirit of the Lord or spirit of God mentioned in the Old Testament is not referring to the Holy Spirit but an angel. The Holy Spirit came upon the saints after Jesus died on the cross, resurrected and ascended into Heaven.

But the spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and a distressing spirit from the Lord troubled him. (1 Sam. 16:14)

Also, in 1 Samuel 18:10 and 19:23, words such as “a distressing spirit from God” or “the Spirit of God” are used. [The word ‘distressing’ is translated differently in other versions: ‘evil’ (NIV), ‘evil’ (NASB), ‘evil’ (KJV), and ‘harmful’ (ESV).] These references to not refer to the Holy Spirit. Rather, they refer to the angels who were sent for Saul. They are both labeled as “the Spirit of the Lord” and “a distressing spirit from God” because it was God who created those spirits and initially sent them to help Saul. They do not refer to the Holy Spirit. Even today, these angels that help us can be called “the Spirit of the Lord” and “a distressing spirit from God”.

Some people might have doubts about those references. It seems reasonable that the “Spirit of the Lord” in 1 Samuel 16:14 could be Saul’s angel, but it might not seem so credible to say that the distressing spirit from God is also an angel that belonged to Saul. According to the verse, it says that the distressing spirit was from God. Thus, this distressing spirit does not refer to the angels that fell from Heaven with Satan. The fallen angels are active in this world as the spirits of antichrist, so they are completely different in nature. The distressing spirit from God does not refer to those spirits of antichrist but to the angel that was sent to help Saul but had eventually turned.

The angels that God sends to each person have the possibility to change in their nature. This is called the transmutability of angels. When God dispatches angels to a believer, the purpose is to help him. However, the ministering angel also has the propensity to change into a distressing spirit, namely a deceiving spirit that brings harm to the person.

Why do these ministering angels become transmuted? Let us look at 1 Kings 22:19-22: Then Micaiah said, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by, on His right hand and on His left. And the Lord said, ‘Who will persuade Ahab to go up, that he may fall at Ramoth Gilead?’ So one spoke in this manner, and another spoke in that manner. Then a spirit came forward and stood before the Lord, and said, ‘I will persuade him.’ The Lord said to him, ‘In what way?’ So he said, ‘I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And the Lord said, ‘You shall persuade him, and also prevail. Go out and do so.’”

When Micaiah looked, he saw the hosts standing on the right and on the left of God. The host of Heaven refers to the angels whom God sends for His work. When God asked, “Who will persuade Ahab to go up, that he may fall at Ramoth Gilead?”, one of the spirits came forward and offered to persuade him. God commanded him, “You shall persuade him, and also prevail. Go out and do so.” A normal angel suddenly turned into a lying spirit. The characteristics of this transmuted angel, namely a deceiving spirit, are different from the Devil or his cohorts. The Devil and his agents rebelled against God, but contrariwise, deceiving spirits were originally angels sent by God.

Isaiah 66:3-4 clarifies why God uses these spirits to work against the people, “He who kills a bull is as if he slays a man; he who sacrifices a lamb, as if he breaks a dog’s neck; he who offers a grain offering, as if he offers swine’s blood; he who burns incense, as if he blesses an idol. Just as they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delights in their abominations, So will I choose their delusions, and bring their fears on them; because, when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not hear; but they did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight.”

God chose to bring people’s delusions and fears upon them because they kept choosing what was abominable before Him. The people chose the detestable and continued to choose what was abominable before God. Therefore, God allowed them to do so even more by allowing their angels to turn and perform what the people had chosen. So the word “delusions” can be spiritually seen as the changed angels, namely the deceiving spirits.

And if the prophet is induced to speak anything, I the Lord have induced that prophet, and I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him from among My people Israel. (Ezek. 14:9)

This verse indicates that the prophets were induced to speak because the Lord had allowed them to be tempted. The prophets were already abominable in God’s sight because they were mediating for the people who harbored idols in their hearts (Ezek. 14:7). So if God allows the people to be induced, it means He allows the ministering angels to change so that they (the angels) would deceive the people.

And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess. 2:11-12)

On the surface, it says that God will send them strong delusion. However, more specifically, it means that God would allow the ministering angels to change so that they could delude those who delight in lies.

With all theses references in mind, proper management of the ministering angels is vitally important in our spiritual lives. Once the angels turn, they will continually torment us because they do not return to being ministering angels again. There are many biblical references that show God permitting delusions for those who choose abomination, but there is not a single verse that describes a transmuted angel returning back to its original state. In other words, the ministering angels that previously helped a person can turn into lying spirits, rebellious spirits, or unbelieving spirits, and once they are turned, it is permanent. As a result, there will always be more deceiving spirits as the days go by. The problem is that these permanently transmuted angels do not leave but always stay near the person.

For example, let us say that a person gets mad even to the point of having homicidal thoughts. If this seems abominable to God, He would allow a ministering angel to turn according to the person’s choices. Once that angel turns into a spirit of temper, the person would be enraged at trivial matters, and this would become a constant weakness. Such a weakness might subside for a while, but it could flare up any time in the future.

Let us take another example. This time the person started morally corrupt but later came to Christ. In the beginning, he lives passionately for the Lord against all odds. All of his bad habits disappear, and there is a wonderful transformation. However, one day, he has an argument with his wife and goes back to his old self. His old habits that should have been eliminated consume his life again. He reaches for the bottle and cigarettes that he has not touched for years. What happened? The deceiving spirits remained nearby and when the opportunity came, they took over his life again.

Many people have claimed liberty from alcoholism when they came to the Lord. This is due to the power that resides in their spirit to overcome the temptations of alcohol. But the weakness to alcoholism has not been completely extinguished. If their spiritual life becomes idle, then the spiritual power will also become paralyzed and the craving for alcohol will become too strong for them to overcome. Ministering angels who have changed according to the people’s abominable choices will always be the source of their weakness for life. This is the reason we must use our will to choose correctly even in the smallest of matters.

If a person has no desire to trust in God’s words, then He will cause his angels to change according to his unbelief so that he would continue in unbelief. So no matter how hard he tries to listen, he would keep doubting the pastor and develop a calloused heart that cannot receive God’s words. When the ministering angel conforms and turns according to a believer’s choice, it will become a chronic weakness in his spiritual life.

At one point in his life, King Saul diligently served God. When he continued to be dishonest and arrogant before God, his ministering angel conformed and became transmuted into a distressing spirit from God to torment him. Once the angel turned, Saul was in extreme anguish, and this anguish became his weakness.

For some people, a family crisis keeps happening over and over again. When one problem is taken care of, it comes back again in another form. This is because the temptation that induced the person stays around the person for many years. Again, once the ministering angel sent to help the saint conforms to the evil choices of the believer and turns, it will stay around the person as a deceiving spirit for the length of that person’s life and never return to its original state.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting. (Rom. 1:28)

God does not force faith upon those who do not want Him in their hearts; He does not compel them with the conviction of the Holy Spirit either. Instead, He gives them over to a debased mind and allows them to do those things that are not appropriate. In other words, God allows the ministering angels to turn so that they could deceive the people.

God gives blessings and also allows deceptions. God told Ezekiel that a prophet who is induced to speak has been induced by God Himself (Ezek. 14:9). Thus, if a person is deceived, then it is God who allowed such deception to come upon that person. This means that God allows the ministering angels to conform to the person’s wicked ways and change. We cannot take our spiritual lives lightly. It is fearful to find that God Himself allows a person to continue in abomination. When people choose not to accept God in their lives and live according to the desires of their flesh, God would not only allow them to live for the flesh, but also give them over to a debased mind. In others words, He will allow them to fall into temptation through their transmuted angels.

Some people love to gossip about others. When this becomes abominable in God’s eyes, He would permit their ministering angels to become transmuted into gossiping spirits so that they would gossip more and fall by their own folly. More opportunities to gossip would overrun them even if they try not to gossip anymore. Eventually, gossiping would become a part of their personality. Everyone has their own personality, but it can be said that the angels cause certain fixed characteristics to people’s personalities whether they are destructive or constructive.

When the ministering spirits become transmuted, they bring serious repercussions in an individual’s spiritual life. If a person who reads the Bible diligently becomes lazy and fails to hold onto the Bible and this becomes abominable in God’s eyes, then He could make the angels turn and tempt him so that he would not read anymore. Then, reading the Bible would become a burden and an irritation. When this occurs, he might be able to read the newspaper from cover to cover but not a single page of the Bible.

To give you another example, if a person keeps falling asleep during a sermon and it is abominable in God’s sight, He could make the angels turn to encourage him to fall asleep more in the future. I heard of a person who could not stay awake during a single sermon for the last twenty-two years. He said he had not listened to one whole sermon, not even once! Because of this problem, he often missed giving offering. If a ministering angel becomes transmuted into a spirit that constantly makes a person fall asleep, then there is no way for him to stay awake no matter what he does.

People who diligently go to dawn prayer will wake up no matter how deep they sleep. Back when I used to lead dawn prayers, I always woke up at four in the morning to lead the dawn prayer meeting. One morning when I opened my eyes, it was already bright outside! I was supposed to lead dawn prayer, but I had woken up late! I was thinking about how to face my congregation. As I rushed to get dressed to leave, I woke up. It was just a dream. When I looked at the clock, it was exactly four in the morning. Likewise, God will use any means to wake up those who diligently commit themselves to dawn prayer.

If a person keeps missing prayer meetings and it becomes displeasing to God, then soon he will not be able to wake up even with five alarm clocks. When the angel that helped him fellowship with God in the morning becomes transmuted, then the believer will experience great difficulties waking up no matter how hard he tries.

The number of angels that a person possesses is proportionate to the amount of God’s work he is willing to do. Those who have had experiences of immoral corruption have that many more transmuted angels. Thus they must actively serve in the church more than others in order to accumulate a greater number of angels to offset the number of transmuted angels. Because there are many transmuted angels near such people, they must be devoted to God’s work all the more to overcome these weaknesses and not return to the world.

When a person does not use his will to choose correctly before God, his ministering angels will turn one by one. The more transmuted angels he has, the more difficult and burdensome his spiritual life would become. When a ministering angel becomes transmuted, it becomes a critical weakness to that individual.

Each of us is well aware of our weaknesses. Some have a short temper; others are weak to money. Some are too lazy; others care too much about their bodies. And some people tend to exaggerate their sickness and make it uncomfortable for people around them. “How can you eat when I’m in pain?” “How can you sleep when I’m hurting?” People who are too sensitive about their health issues could be overcome by thoughts such as I am a patient with a migraine problem or I am a patient with a back problem.

For some people, if they have a minor stomach ache they worry that it might be cancer. If they feel something strange while they are eating, they worry about indigestion. They worry excessively and negatively. If this proclivity to despair is abominable to God, then He will allow the ministering angels to turn and further deceive the people.

The ministering angels that have turned are called deceiving spirits. The angels that fell from Heaven with Satan are the spirits of antichrist, but the ministering angels of the saints that turn are called deceiving spirits. Once the ministering angels become transmuted in to deceiving spirits, they do not return to their original state but linger near the person and constantly bring hindrances to his spiritual life. So we must diligently work to prevent our angels from turning into deceiving spirits. We must stand resolute before God so that our choices do not become abominable in His sight.

In 1 Timothy 4:1, it explicitly says that people will follow the doctrines of demons and deceiving spirits in the latter days. The activities of demons and deceiving spirits have direct correlation. Before discussing further on their close relationship, let us briefly examine the indispensable reality that demons are spirits of dead unbelievers. A more comprehensive study concerning demons will be visited in the next chapter.

A demon is the spirit of a postmortem unbeliever. In other words, it is the spirit of a person who died without believing in Jesus. This is a new concept to modern theologians, but I myself have accumulated an enormous amount of experiences and Biblical proofs to support the teaching on this subject. So far, I have cast out demons out of over 100,000 people. Every time I asked the demons who they were, they all answered with a name of a dead unbeliever. Some replied to have been Christians, but they had committed suicides. Christians who commit suicide cannot receive salvation. A person who abuses his life cannot receive God’s mercy and would result in becoming a demon.

Christians who die in the Lord go to Paradise. Many people say that unbelievers who die go straight to hell. But until now, no one has ever gone to hell. After the second coming of Jesus Christ, unbelievers will be cast into hell. For now, unbelievers remain in Hades after death. Then, where is Hades? Hades is where the Devil exists. The Devil exists in this world. Therefore, this world is Hades itself. That is why Jesus said concerning the church, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18).

Out of 8,000 demon expulsions, I compiled the following data. Only ten demons claimed that they were angels. These were most likely the deceiving spirits working near the person. Yet, such cases are very rare. Usually, they reveal themselves as demons and give the names of those who died as unbelievers. In conclusion, demons are spirits of postmortem unbelievers.

When asked about how they entered the person, the demons would say, “when he was startled,” or “when he tripped and fell” or describe the conditions through which they possessed the person’s body. The question is, what caused that person to get startled or trip? If the demons entered through those circumstances, then who created those conditions to assist the demons? The deceiving spirits are the principle initiators of demon possession. The demons invade the body when the deceiving spirits orchestrate a situation for the person to be startled for instance. Deceiving spirits and demons collaborate to destroy a person’s life.

[Pastor Ki-Dong Kim uses the expressions demon possession and demon oppression interchangeably to describe the condition of a person who has a demon in his body. The underlying premise is that a demon can only function when he is in a body. So the word possession can refer to when a demon enters one’s body and the word oppression refer to when the demon that is already in a body is influencing the host. But when it comes to what the Devil does, the word oppression is used all the time to explain his influence from the outside. The Bible is clear that the Devil does not possess a person’s body but just oppresses from the outside.]

Demons cannot invade the body unless there is a cause. Deceiving spirits trigger the inception of demon possession. Basically, a demon goes into the body when the deceiving spirit provides the necessary condition. The deceiving spirit is the cause and a demon entering the body is the effect. A demon once said that he entered the person when he did not go to church. What deceived or tempted him to miss the Lord’s Day worship? It was the work of deceiving spirits. The deceiving spirits worked against the believer to stop going to church and then, the demon entered when the believer succumbed to the deceiving spirits.

Not one demon said that he entered without a cause. All of them gave a reason by saying, “when he was angry,” “when she cursed,” “when he was being stingy,” “when she did not tithe,” “when he did not pray,” “when she fell asleep during a sermon,” “when he gave the pastor a disgruntled look,” and “when he lied.” The deceiving spirits provide the conditions for the demons to enter the people. Every person has his own personality, but the characteristics of his personality can be governed by deceiving spirits. A husband who is screaming at his wife might say to himself, “What am I doing? Why am I screaming at my wife?” In such a way, deceiving spirits can dominate a person’s character, and demons enter his body with their assistance.

When do the deceiving spirits operate? These spirits influence a person’s decisions by motivating and encouraging bad choices. A demon enters the person the moment he makes the bad choice. When a person says in his heart, “Today is the Lord’s Day, but should I just stay home?” the deceiving spirits encourage that thought by tempting him more to miss the worship service. Once the believer decides not to go to worship, a demon enters the body and brings sicknesses, curses, or even more temptations.

The type of decisions people make in their hearts is essentially important. The Bible says that because people delighted in their hearts to choose what was abominable to God, He had given them over to their delusions and fear to befall upon them (Isa. 66:3-4). God would allow these deceiving spirits to operate in their lives because they chose wickedly. When they continue in the direction of the deceiving spirits’ influence, demons would ultimately come and invade their lives.

When a person chooses to hate someone, the deceiving spirits would intensify the situation to hate even more. Then, the demon would enter the person’s body, bringing cancer, curses, or any other sicknesses. As a result, problems in life are dictated by the person’s willful choices.

When Eve fell, what gave way first? It was her thoughts that first gave way. The Devil implanted thoughts in her mind. When Eve put those thoughts into action, it brought devastating effects. Why did Cain sin? Hatred toward his brother Abel brewed in his heart.

So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (Gen. 4:6-7)

But Cain did not have the power to rule over the sin in his heart. The transmuted angel eventually made him fall and from then on, curses ruled over him.

The word curses in the Old Testament means the same as demons in the New Testament. Curses are from demons. People are cursed because of the demons inhabiting them. The fact that they have curses in their lives shows that they have already succumbed to the deceiving spirits.

With this spiritual reality in mind, it is important that our will is firm and steadfast. Why did God exterminate mankind from the earth during Noah’s time? Every intent of man’s heart was only evil continually (Gen. 6:5).

Hear, O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people—the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My words nor My law, but rejected it. (Jer. 6:19)

What did the Devil put in the heart of Judas Iscariot in order to kill Jesus? It was the very thought of betraying Him (John 13:2). When Judas thought about selling Jesus, the deceiving spirits took over and dominated his mind. Judas was led by the deceiving spirits to betray Jesus, and later hanged himself because of the demon that possessed him.

But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? (Acts 5:3)

Being filled with Satan in his heart means that Satan’s thoughts consumed his heart. So the cause of his ruin was in his thoughts. The deceiving spirits attack people’s thoughts to deceive them. Once they are successful, the demons enter and carry out their work.

The best prevention against being attacked or possessed by demons is to guard ourselves from being influenced by the deceiving spirits. If a person already has many deceiving spirits, he must to resolute and steadfast in his will so that they cannot overcome him. When a person’s will steadfast and fixated toward God, he will not be overcome by the deceiving spirits. Then the demons will have no chance of entering because without the assistance of deceiving spirits, demons can never enter a person. We must do whatever we can to prevent the demons from entering us. So it is essential to disarm the deceiving spirits. We must use our will to resist temptations. Our thoughts and hearts must be fixated on God with a resolute will so that the deceiving spirits will be unable to harass us further.

The Scripture clarifies in 1 Timothy 4:1 that people who fall away from faith pay attention to the doctrine of demons and deceiving spirits. A person’s will is shaken the moment his heart steps away from faith. Once his will is shaken, the deceiving spirits overcome him. Once the deceiving spirits provide the opportunity, demons are able to invade him with curses.

We have learned that the ministering angels can turn and become transmuted. Once turned, these deceiving spirits bring a lifetime of endless spiritual hindrances. Since we know this reality, we must manage well so that we do not have any more angels that turn. We must also stand strong and firm in the faith so that we are not deceived by the deceiving spirits that are already around us. “I will be strong in my faith!” “I will be resolute in my will!”

If we live our spiritual lives with this knowledge, then the demons that are cast out would never return. Some people rejoice because they were healed after casting out the demons. But suddenly, they doubt if they were completely healed. Then, the deceiving spirits would give more doubts like, You should go to the hospital. Prayer is not going to be enough. The more they hear doubts ringing in their mind, they become convinced that it was not a complete healing and most assuredly, the sickness returns to that person sooner or later. For us, we have to strengthen our will and faith, and be free from such unnecessary cycle of doubts.

When a person’s will is shaken and then his faith, everything else shatters. “My dad passed away from cancer. Do you think I will too?” Having such thoughts will eventually lead you to death by cancer. What relationship does a death by cancer or accident in the family have with you? When you obsess over the past and negative thoughts, the demons will work by gripping onto your weaknesses. Deceiving spirits use your negative thoughts to oppress you and the demons use that chance to enter your body.

More important than anything else is our will. We must be strong in our will to resist the deceiving spirits’ attack and spoil their plans. When the deceiving spirits fail, the demons fail also. The Devil approached Jesus to tempt Him right after His forty-day fast, but he failed in his task. The Devil was not only humiliated, but he was also defeated in the end. I pray in Jesus’ name that you will have the same victory in your lives.

“I will be victorious throughout my life!” “I will be victorious throughout my life!” “I will be victorious throughout my life!”

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